The most successful project completion becomes meaningless if others in the organization are not on board with the changes. We offer training as part of our Project Management and Business Process Design services. It is the best way to close the loop and help ensure your new initiatives are successful and produce the results you need. Our training services are not limited to these areas, however.
We can also provide training after the fact if you launch a new process or tool and have trouble getting employees to use it properly, if at all. Additionally, we offer “soft skills” training, such as customer service techniques for in-house help desks. This is especially useful in instances where the help desk is receiving heavier-than-normal traffic as a result of a recent implementation or upgrade.
We conduct training as a project, working to meet your deliverables, timelines, budgeted costs, and available resources. We can conduct training on- or off-site, as a one-day seminar or a series of classes, depending on the scope of the learning required.
Benefits of Training
- Better employee engagement
- Widespread understanding of new systems
- Increased acceptance of new processes and procedures
- Ability to accurately measure results
Available Training Services
- Systems training
- Application training
- Time management training
- Customer service “soft skills” training
- Ongoing training and support
We can also create a customized training solution tailored to your organization’s unique goals and employees, including:
- Content development
- Train-the-trainer
- Classroom delivery
- Project management training
- Follow-up training and refresher courses