Our Grow Kids program, which provides opportunities for children to support one another through education,…

CE Wilson’s Grow Kids Program Engages Youth in Series of Charitable Events
Earlier this month more than 50 people — kids, parents and consultants — attended the 2016 kick-off event for CE Wilson Consulting’s Grow Kids program. Inspired by input from CE Wilson co-founders Chrystal and Fred Richardson’s own children, the program allows children from all age groups, schools and varying socio-economic backgrounds to come together and learn how their ideas, innovation and teamwork can benefit the community.
During the kick-off meeting Kids ranging in age from elementary through high school broke into small groups to brainstorm events – everything from community service projects to fun activities designed to let the kids blow off steam.
Their creativity and willingness to serve inspired an incredible list of service projects, including: reading to seniors in a nursing home, hosting a veteran’s appreciation event, volunteering at an animal shelter and adopting a family for Christmas, among others. Their just-for-fun ideas included a dodgeball tournament, a food fight party, and a color run, to name just a few. Events will take place every other month, in partnership with other local organizations including Arizona’s Children and the Damion Gosa Foundation.
Even the kick-off meeting was an opportunity to be of service as kids and adults alike decorated and personalized teddy bears, which were distributed by Arizona’s Children to kids in transitional foster care.
“The kids were hands-on and so excited. They participated in every single thing,” said CE Wilson Managing Partner Chrystal Richardson. “They are excited to be able to give back. It was such a collaborative fun day, and a way to introduce the kids to project management principles in a way that didn’t feel like classroom learning and focused on core values such as leadership and compassion.”
Kids and parents who missed the kick-off event but would like to participate in upcoming projects are welcome to email Denise Jackson, [email protected] for more details.