Our Grow Kids program, which provides opportunities for children to support one another through education,…

A PM for Christmas
I don’t believe we just “fall” into a profession we love. Things in life lead us to it. Childhood experiences, school, training, a mentor, a cause, our environment all feed into the person we’ve become.
Because we’ve all had a moment in life when we’ve needed help and received it, I believe we must always be on the look-out for opportunities to return that favor. Project Management is a challenging profession that’s needed in so many areas. Corporate, private, non-profit, religious organizations can all benefit from the coordination and management skills we bring. This Christmas (and all year) I encourage you to find ways to be charitable in giving. There are many ways to do this and you’ll find the way that best utilizes your skillsets.
Here are thoughts on why you should consider being a gift to someone or cause you care about.
“ Be good to people, no matter who you believe you are.
“ The best way to get our minds off our own problems is to help someone else with theirs.
“ We remember moments, not days.
“ I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.
“ Run your own race. Be the best that you can be.
“ The worst feeling is pretending you don’t care about something ,when really that’s all you seem to think about. ~ HpLyrickz.com
“ How you make others feel about themselves, says a lot about you.
“ You never know who needs you, but someone does.
“ When you’re passionate about who and what you are, you bring honor to the one who made you.
“ Perhaps my all time favorites was said best by Maya Angelou. “When you learn, teach, when you get, give.”
Have an amazing Christmas and a great New Year!
Chrystal Richardson is Managing Partner of CE Wilson Consulting, a project management and business efficiency consulting firm that has managed projects for technology, mining, medical and manufacturing clients since 2001. Social Responsibility and giving are a major part of why we do what we do.